An Assessment of Readiness to Teach Data Science in Higher Education
July 11th, 2023
In this talk, I will be talking about
Figure 3. Exploratory design. Source: (Fraenken, Wallen & Hyun, 2012, p.560)
Students are coming from almost every major/department.
The instructors had terminal degrees in statistics, mathematics, computer science, genetics, and economics.
They all had been teaching an introductory data science course for a varying number of years, with a range from 1 to 10 years of experience.
Table 1: Class sizes reported by IDS instructors
Class Size | n |
300+ | 2 |
200-299 | 1 |
100-199 | 2 |
… | |
30-39 | 2 |
20-29 | 3 |
10-19 | 3 |
1-9 | 1 |
To enhance the trustworthiness of the study, we collected indicators for transferability, dependability, and credibility (Merriam & Tisdell, 2016).
In this part, we present the findings of our qualitative content analysis for a single component of PCK which were categorized into three themes: (1) Knowledge of Syntactic Difficulties; (2) Knowledge of Conceptual Difficulties; and (3) Knowledge of Strategic Knowledge Difficulties.
We also introduce a PCK map of an IDS instructor participated in our study.
Table 2. Knowledge of Students’ Syntactic Difficulties
Categories | Codes |
Markup Languages and Reproducibility Tools | HTML, R Markdown, Quarto Markdown, Jupyter Notebook,Linux, Git/GitHub |
Programming Languages | Packages, Libraries, Misspelling, Adapting the Code, How to Read Data |
We categorized conceptual knowledge difficulties into five categories:
The codes that emerged from data are given in Table 3.
Table 3. Knowledge of Conceptual Difficulties
Category | Concepts and Topics |
Mathematics | Algorithms, Permutation Testing |
Statistics | Types of Variables, Confidence Interval, Principles of Data Visualization, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation vs. Causality, Bootstrapping, Inductive Inference, Statistical Analysis Methods-Modelling, p-value, Sampling Distribution |
Computer Science | I/O File Management, Working Mechanisms of Markup Languages, Basics of Coding, Filter Function, Basics of Web Scraping, Select Function, Joining Data Sets, Mapping Functions, Loops, Creating Functions |
Domain-Specific Knowledge | Understanding Technical Writing, Understanding the Nature of Data |
Interdisciplinary Knowledge | Ethics, Machine Learning |
“…So certainly, so this so kind of so statistical analysis in so kind of correct statistical analysis in general is a problem. So, everyone is very tempted to just kind of throw any tool they can, they can at the problem and just like, look at the outputs to see if the if the p-value is significant. So, this so I try to instill this kind of skeptical mindset of like, you know, does that, does the model fit? Does the question make sense? … [conversation continues] So that, I would say, is kind of one of the more challenging things to teach.”
Table 4. Knowledge of Students’ Strategic Difficulties
Strategic Knowledge Difficulties | |
Debugging | |
Communication | |
Data Wrangling | |
Appreciating the complexity of Interdisciplinary Research | |
Making Appropriate Data Visualization Decisions | |
Creative Thinking | |
Proper Use of Descriptive Statistics | |
Conducting a Good Research | |
Deciding Statistical Analysis Methods-Modelling | |
Working with Real and Messy Data | |
Handling Missing Data | |
Asking Good Questions | |
Web Scraping | |
Setting up Data Science Pipeline |
This study is funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TÜBİTAK and University College London.
Collaborators of this project are Assist. Prof. Dr Joshua M. Rosenberg and Teaching Assoc. Prof. Dr Andrew Zieffler
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